Sleep, Focus, And Concentration: How To Achieve Them

Sleep, Focus, And Concentration: How To Achieve Them

A fundamental part of human biology is sleep. Despite the numerous evolutional adaptations throughout hundreds of thousands of years, one would think that humans would evolve out of sleep. Leaving your body in danger and exposed to the predatory world for 8 hours doesn’t sound like an evolutionary advantage, but we still have to sleep despite all of that. Sleep is important for a lot of things; focus, concentration, recovery, and growth. All of these things are not only nice-to-haves but are literally required in order for you to live in the world.

How do you improve your sleep, then? If sleep is the most important factor for growth, recovery, and focus, then it only makes logical sense that we’d try to maximize them for our benefit. There are a lot of ways to better your sleep: building habits such as establishing a sleep routine, employing supplements such as CBD & THC gummies, and even setting up your environment for sleep, such as a dark room and cold temperatures. Let’s explore all of these methods and help you lay a good foundation for sleep.

Building sleep habits – Humans are creatures of habit. We are defined by our habits, and it is through habits that we do most of the actions we commit throughout the day. If you have a strong habit of being clean, then you unconsciously clean things more than the average person. You’d brush your teeth more, clean the countertops, and wipe the table spot-free. 

A habit is first formed by consciously committing an action within the same time of the day and setting yourself up to do it consistently every day. Once your habit is strong enough, then there will come a time when you will do it without much mental effort. Working out, eating well, and even sleeping are all governed by this principle.

How do you build healthy sleeping habits? The best way to do this is to have a consistent sleep routine. Set up a time that you’re comfortable sleeping at, and make sure to always go to bed about an hour before this time. Give yourself some leeway to fall asleep, and do not expect to go into slumber the moment you hit the sheets. Set your mind up to always expect to sleep at this certain hour. Your physiological timer and body rhythm will set themselves up to your habits, making it easier for you in the following weeks if you do it consistently. This means that even on the weekends, you sleep at the same time. The body is very particular about sleep, and missing out two days every week is not habit-building in and of itself. 

Supplementation – There are some things you can take to aid your sleep ventures. For example, CBD and THC gummies provide a very smooth and calming effect on your body. This means that in times of high and stressful activities, you’d be in control by having good focus and concentration. This also means having a better mood and state of mind when going to sleep. Since you’ll be calm, then falling asleep will go more smoothly. Melatonin gummies can also help. Melatonin is a hormone that could be ingested that helps set up your body to think that it’s sleeping time.

Establishing your sleeping environment – This comes hand-in-hand with building a healthy sleeping routine. This is separated because there are a lot of nuances and details that you could strive for when establishing your sleeping environment. Starting out with the big hitters and most impactful environment changes is a good idea. Firstly, dim your lights along with the night. Humans have a proclivity to lower their activity whenever the sun goes down. Flushing yourself with bright lights late at night wouldn’t help your body recognize that it’s sleeping time. A cold room also helps with sleep, as this calms down your physiological markers and sets them up to rest.